Fitmax Cold Plus - Regional Thinning

Fitmax Cold Plus - Fitmax Cold Plus

Fitmax Cold Plus

Regional Thinning
Body Shaping
Fat Shredding
Body Tightening
-10 Degree Cold Therapy
8-16cm thinning from the first session

Freezes Fats.
In addition to the ultrasonic 1.7 mhz wavelength heads, Fitmax Cold Plus causes the oils to freeze quickly and break down, thanks to the head with cooling efficiency up to -5 degrees.

2 Heads
Working Principle: Cold / Hot
Cooling : -10 Degrees
Power Consumption 100 W
Ultrasonic Power 60 W
Ultrasonic Frequency 1.7 Mhz.
10 HMI LCD Display
Smart Menu with Work Zone Selection

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Fitmax Cold Plus