Spring soup - Soups

Spring soup - Yayla Soup Recipe

Spring soup

  • Category
  • Specification
    Chef Mehmet KARCI
  • Preparation Time
    20 Minute
  • Calorie
    120 Kcal

* 1 Cup of Rice
* 3 Cups of Water
* 5 Tablespoons Yogurt
* 1 Egg
* 15 Tablespoons Flour
*2 spoonful butter
* 2 Tablespoons of Lemon

Preparation of;
Water, salt and rice are taken into the pot.
Rice is boiled until tender.
Yogurt, eggs and flour are whipped in a separate bowl.
It is added to the mixture from the water in the pot.
When the rice is soft, stirring quickly and the mixture with yogurt is added to the soup with the help of a strainer. It is mixed until boiling. When it boils, it is boiled on low heat for 6 minutes. Stirring is continued from time to time. Lemon is added.
After cooking the soup, the bottom is closed.
Butter is heated in a separate place and mixed with mint. It is hovered over the soup. After mixing, the soup is ready and you can take it into the bowls and serve it.

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Yayla Soup Recipe